Verbal design

Product Spotlight: What is Verbal Design?

Product Spotlight: What is Verbal Design?


Verbal design is all about crafting amazing content with coordination and purpose. The most striking change for local and national companies in online search marketing over the past two years has been the wholesale evolution of the content presented both on and off website pages.

In the past, the goal of many copywriters was to simply provide a vehicle to carry keywords. That will no longer suffice. If your search ranking or traffic to your site has now unaccountably dropped, you may have fallen victim to Google algorithm updates such as Penguin and Hummingbird. Most likely, you remain blissfully unaware.

Coordinated Brand Architecture Is Now Critical

Previously, only the astute understood that truly relevant, interesting, and original content development offered real advantages. Today, the value of a well-developed brand identity cannot be overestimated. Each new brick of your email marketing, social media copy, and website messaging must build upon previous content if it is to become memorable and improve traffic and conversions. Scattered copywriting that lacks the proper foundation is generally wasted effort.

Quantity vs. Quality

There is a lot of misinformation circulating about what quantity of content is best. While there are such things as too little good content and too much bad content, there is no such thing as too much good content. Companies that continue to disseminate volumes of wordy and boring copy will fall along with those that sit idle behind pages and posts with a cohesive, quality brand identity based on an informative, continuous, and compact presentation.

\”Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.\” – Antoine de Saint Exupery

Verbal Design for All Screens

Finally, always bear in mind that search traffic is quickly gravitating toward mobile devices. Strategic eMarketing best practices today include making certain your online presence is responsive to the consumer’s display screen. Not only must your copy have a “compact impact,” it must also be convenient for the reader to consume.