Revolutionize Your Marketing

Revolutionize Your Marketing

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throughout the year!

\” Begin with the end in mind. 

– Steven Covey

There are 5 fundamental principles to Revolutionize your Marketing:


Create Sales Goals


Review Product Offer


Specify Target Markets


Create Marketing Brief


Run Campaign, Track It and Innovate it


Additionally, every successful
Marketing Campaign starts
with 5 easy questions:


What do you need to accomplish?


What is your plan?


Who are you selling to?


What is your creative and
where are you running it?


How will you measure success?


There are 5 steps
in this checklist:

if you are selling to existing clients or new clients and confirm the Personas of Target Markets. Establish what channels you will use to connect with each of the Personas.

Metrics and tracking methods, like opens, clicks, sales and renews. Use google analytics and staff to track results.

Marketing Brief and Action Plan
The brief holds all the info above along with the 5 w’s and budget.

Advertising Creative, Scripts, Emails, and Sales
Presentations. Draft or have drafted the collateral materials. Proofread, then proof again.

Track daily, weekly and final results.


The product chosen, pricing and margin review completed.

Target Market Chosen & Personas Created.

Sales goals established and tracking
the mechanism put into place.

Marketing Brief Drafted and Action Plan

Campaign start and end date scheduled.


Fill this out and share it with your team.

Revolutionize Your Marketing

Download for Reference throughout the year!