One Minute Marketing

Ride Bigger Coattails — Time Press Releases With National News

Ride Bigger Coattails — Time Press Releases With National News

1-Minute Marekting


What’s happening in your industry nationally? If your business is going to be impacted by a national news story or industry change, or if you want your opinion as a business owner to be heard on recent developments, timing your press release with national news will make it more likely parts of your press release will get published.

Especially true for community-focused newspapers, being able to localize a national story can be tricky for reporters to accomplish but often draws in more readers than just the national story straight from the Associated Press.

For example, the 2012 Fitness and Technology Survey recently showed that 72% of exercisers surveyed use some type of technology device while working out and more than half consider themselves more successful because of it. A fitness trainer or gym owner could send out a press release within a day or two to comment on this survey to show how people locally have been using technology to help reach their fitness goals, or how technology has been incorporated into their fitness programs.

Throw in a direct quote from yourself or an expert from your business, and provide your contact information in the press release so reporters can call for more information, if needed. But get this press release out soon — today’s news quickly becomes history.

To keep your press releases from getting too controversial, it is often advisable to stay away from politics and other divisive topics. Use common sense to determine what subjects you want to associate with your business.