Social media

Content Development: Canva

When we are creating marketing pieces, whether it be social media, emails, blogs or anything else, graphics can boost our engagement by incredible amounts. In certain studies, it has been found that a graphic can double the amount of likes and shares on Facebook. This statistic makes a lot of sense. Our eyes are not

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Mobile Marketing: Adapt or Be Left Behind

Mobile Marketing: Adapt or Be Left Behind Stephanie Travers We are experiencing a monumental shift in how prospective customers are accessing your website. For the first time, mobile access has exceeded PC access. As more people rely on their mobile device to research, shop, and interact, the need for effective mobile marketing increases exponentially. While

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Strategic Marketing Planning for 2015

Strategic Marketing Planning for 2015 Strategic planning for marketing is a powerful way to focus your organization’s resources on goals to support growth, enable success in the current year, and provide staying power well into the future. Marketing is an essential part of the strategic plan that a successful business needs.There are at least nine

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Content Development: Choosing Social Media Networks to Engage

Content Development: Choosing Social Media Networks to Engage with Part of having an online presence as a company is being a part of at least one social network. When most people think of a social network these days, the first thing that comes to mind is Facebook, and while Facebook is still the biggest social

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1 Minute Marketing: 3 Things You Can Do Right Now to Optimize Your Facebook Page

1 Minute Marketing: 3 Things You Can Do Right Now to Optimize Your Facebook Page Want to increase the number of likes on your page and have more fans see your content? Make your Facebook page viewer-ready. If you start with these three optimization tips, your brand will be well on its way (and it

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Special or “Rich” Pinterest Pins Explained

1 Minute Marketing: Special or “Rich” Pinterest Pins Explained

1 Minute Marketing: Special or “Rich” Pinterest Pins Explained Pinterest is starting to grow up as a social media platform — it was generating massive amounts of user interest and activity even before it began moving toward making money. In one of the baby steps to monetize all those eyeballs and clicks, Pinterest has introduced

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