e marketing strategies

Business Resource Spotlight: Sequoia Personnel Services

Business Resource Spotlight: Sequoia Personnel Services Job seeking can be intimidating. Whether you are looking for your first job out of college, or are ready to make a career change or enhancement, sometimes it’s hard to know exactly where to get started. With so many online resources and services to choose from, all with their […]

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Special or “Rich” Pinterest Pins Explained

1 Minute Marketing: Special or “Rich” Pinterest Pins Explained

1 Minute Marketing: Special or “Rich” Pinterest Pins Explained Pinterest is starting to grow up as a social media platform — it was generating massive amounts of user interest and activity even before it began moving toward making money. In one of the baby steps to monetize all those eyeballs and clicks, Pinterest has introduced

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1 Minute e-marketing strategies

1 Minute Marketing: Keywords Still a Part of e-Marketing Strategies (Just Not How You Think)

1 Minute Marketing: Keywords Still a Part of e-Marketing Strategies (Just Not How You Think) Search engine optimization tactics must change when the algorithms of the internet’s most popular search engine changes. With Google’s Penguin 2.0 algorithm update, one thing has become very clear: what you put in your keyword metatags doesn\’t really matter. A

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1 Minute Marketing: Why E-Marketing Strategies Should Include Responsive Social Media

1 Minute Marketing: Why E-Marketing Strategies Should Include Responsive Social Media “Social media is a conversation.” You\’ve probably heard that more times than you’d care to think about, but that message still hasn\’t sunk in for many companies. They still post all promotional content all the time, to little effect. A strategic e-marketing plan should include engaging and responsive

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