marketing Humboldt County

Mad River Science Product to Reach Out to New Market with Strategic eMarketing

Mad River Science Product to Reach Out to New Market with Strategic eMarketing Humboldt County’s Mad River Science is working with Strategic eMarketing to bring one of its longtime products to a new market sector. Go Natural is a non-toxic, water-based nail polish that has been successful in the safety kid’s nail polish market, and

Mad River Science Product to Reach Out to New Market with Strategic eMarketing Read More »

Strategic eMarketing and HumC.P.U. To Work Together Through eNGAGE Program

Eureka, CA – Humboldt Computer Professionals Unlimited has begun collaborating with Strategic eMarketing for a communication project through the eNGAGE program. Through this program, SEM will work with HumC.P.U.  to focus on identifying key accounts and clients that will help turn prospects into clients and clients into advocates.Primed with this information, HumC.P.U. will be able to

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