Web Design Standards for 2016

Web Design Standards for 2016

Do you have a website for your business that you are proud of and that accomplishes all it should? Your website is the home base of your business and where you should be sending potential customers to get all of the information they need about your business.

On a very basic level, your website needs to hold all of the content that can answer common questions from potential clients. This includes phone number, email, location and hours as well as more in depth information on who you are, what your business is and how you can help your customer. You want your website to do two very important things: save you time answering questions you receive all the time and help turn potential customers into actual customers.

On a higher level, you also want your website to have a very visually pleasing element to it. When your website is nonexistent, outdated or full of technical issues it makes your entire business look less professional. When your website looks impressive and visually pleasing, your business will be perceived as more professional.

With the New Year right around the corner, there are some design standards to keep in mind for 2016. Websites have transitioned from being a luxury for businesses into a necessity, making the standards a lot higher.

You need a web designer to develop your website. When a business has a website that they design themselves or have someone novice design their site to save money, it will be seen. As we said, now that everyone and anyone has a website, the standards of design and functionality and exceptionally high.

This means your website should look unique and clean. All buttons, links and functions should work properly with no issues and the user\’s ability to find where they need to go should be as easy as possible.

Google is now hammering down on websites that are not mobile responsive, meaning they resize themselves when opened on mobile phones and tablets. If your website is not mobile responsive, it will no longer be included in the search results. Even despite this, it is important that your website is mobile responsive because the average website is viewed 70% via mobile phone.

Contact us today if you are ready to get your website in line and up to the web design standards coming in 2016.