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What Images Can Do For Your Social Media

\"sem-1min-0915\"If you are already on social media and see it’s potential you may now be wondering how you can improve your engagement and following. While there are many different tactics that work for different businesses there is one you can’t go wrong with and that is using images with your posts.

Images have been proven by multiple different sources and case studies to improve engagement by 50%. Images are one of the most effective and easiest ways to improve your engagement and that is why we use this tactic for all of our clients.

Images can be used on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn and Pinterest and improve engagement and all of the above. No matter what platforms you are utilizing for your business, you can use images to improve results.

It can seem overwhelming at first to start utilizing images in your social media. Many businesses take the approach to take new images for every social media post they post. This takes them a lot of time and prep work and in turn causes them to fall short when it comes to their marketing.

You can use graphic design options to reuse images and create templates that you can use on a weekly or monthly basis. You can also purchase stock images online to save time from having to take photos constantly. While it is important to have some original images there is no reason to have to take and edit every photo you put on social media.

If you are feeling short on time or creativity when it comes to creating images for your social media, but you want to improve your engagement, contact us at Strategic eMarketing to talk about our social media management options.