What To Include In Your Website Content

\"SEM-CD-0915\"As we discussed in our product spotlight this month, your website is the home base of your business and where you should be able to send potential customers to answer the frequently asked questions you get again and again. We discussed the design must haves for 2016 and now we are going to discuss what you should be including in your website copy.

Your website copy is the content, or the words, that you include on the pages of your website in order to convey your message and portray information to your readers. When a lot of business owners sit down to try and write their website content, they start to get lost in what should be included, where to start and what’s most important.

However, the formula for what to include on your website is actually very simple. You need your home page that says your business name, essential contact information and the one to three most important messages you like to share with your customers. These one to three messages might be about what makes your business really unique or information on your warranty. Whatever you feel is most important to share, put it on your home page briefly and elaborate on other pages.

Think of your home page as the billboard or flyer you are hanging around the city. People are going to cross by it and it needs to grab their attention and provide them the details they need to want to know more and want to become a customer.

The next most important page is your about page. We include this as the second most important because for most sites, the about page is the second most viewed page. Your about page should include more indepth information on what your business is and what it believes in. Once you have your story there, you can decide if you want to make additional pages or use this page to include information about your FAQ’s, warranties and any other important information you may want to include.

The final piece of copy you will want to include is your contact page which should include the absolute best and easiest way to get in touch with your business. If you win people over with the rest of your copy this is where they will go to find out how to become a customer whether it is to give you a call or find the address and hours to stop by.

If you need help writing your website copy, give Strategic eMarketing a call to discuss your business and how we can help.